Friday, May 9, 2014

Miss Haley Van Horn's "Corporate Welfare"

Oh Wal-Mart...I have had a couple of friends and coworkers who have worked at Wally World, and let me tell ya something. They treat their employees like COMPLETE SHIT. I had one friend/coworker who got chemical burn from washing their dishes, and management WOULD NOT file a medical report when they were supposed to. Her manager at the time told to "just put Aquaphor on it." The same friend told me that Wal-Mart purposefully pushes the "good" managers out of the business and keeps all the "bad" ones.

Another friend told me that his manager was NOT allowed to give him a maximum score, even though he deserved it, on his annual evaluation or else she would get written up HERSELF.

The Wal-Mart stories I have just go on and on.

The whole company is almost completely rotten to the core, and I bet Sam Walton is rolling in his grave because of what his family has done with his company. This company needs to get of their greedy and lazy asses and support themselves because they're fully capable of doing so. The current Waltons and Wal-Mart in general are perhaps part of the reason why this country has gotten so damn greedy.

So on another note, Haley did a good job writing her post. I could see her improving by making defined paragraphs. If she feels that her paragraphs would be too short, then she should elaborate on her opinion a little bit more or just settle with the short paragraphs. Other than that she did a great job!

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