Friday, May 9, 2014

Cut Welfare..? Well Maybe...

So Paul Ryan wants to cut welfare, repeal the Affordable Health Care Act while cutting Medicaid, turn food stamps into block grant program and cap spending, cut education spending, charging university students interest WHILE THEY'RE IN SCHOOL, and significantly reduce the amount of Pell grants available to students to spend on military aid and block grants for the states.

This sexy man wants to what? You know...he was so much cuter before he opened up his mouth and learned how to use the English language.

I agree that we should repeal the Affordable Health Care Act. It's financially impossible for us right now to have required health care and still be money happy. We're just not financially there yet as a country. I also agree that we need to cut down on fucking food stamps. Let me tell you something...I am/was a food stamp baby. My family and I have been on food stamps on and off for 16 years. They give you way too much money to spend on food. It's disgusting. I have noticed that I have struggled with weight gain when my family and I were on food stamps when comparing the times where we weren't on food stamps. I'm not saying that I'm ungrateful for the program, but they simply give way too much money for food. They shouldn't regulate food stamps either. That's like refusing a PMSing woman trying to buy chocolate at the grocery store. You just don't do that. 

What I DON'T agree with is cutting Medicaid or education spending. Like what the Hell Paul Ryan? Not everyone can afford health insurance or sending their children to private schools, so why the HELL would deprive people who aren't as fortunate do so? Why should YOU say I have to pay full price for my gynecologist appointments about MY birth control methods. I don't want babies right now. I don't have the money to have babies, but I still like to have fun. Also, why should YOU make it harder for me, my baby brother, my friends, family, and future family to make a living for ourselves. We're trying to survive in this world too you know. I'm not saying you should throw $1 million our way, but you could at least give a chance to absorb all the knowledge we can from our teachers and do something with ourselves before you try to tie a bricks around all of our ankles and throw us where the Malaysian Flight MH370 is.

All that damn money you would save? Spend it on something nice like education or...GETTING OUR COUNTRY OUT OF DEBT YOU MORON.   

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