Friday, May 9, 2014

In Mother Russia Blogs Write You!

So Russia...Ukraine...America...good final topic is a good topic right? Personally I think it is.

What the Hell is going on with Russia? They're starting to back their lost land, and Ukraine does not want that to happen. Why does that matter to us? Because that means Russia is trying to take over the world again. Is that a bad thing? Maybe. With the historical connotation of the word "Communism" it may as well be synonymous for "Anarchy" in America.

In my eyes though, equality doesn't sound like a bad thing as long as no one is corrupted by power or money. Is that realistic? I don't think so. Not right now because America is too absorbed in the concept of money because America is still large in the international eye because of our past glory. Unless money goes away corruption will still be prominent.

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