Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Guns, Guns, Guns

What do we do with them? Why would we need them? Aren’t we all supposed to be “peaceful”? To me, we use guns for entertainment, defense, and a tool for food. We would need them to practice shooting, to hurt predators (human and non-human), and to get dinner a little faster. Through observation I’ve seen that peace seems achieved when everyone is happy. If everyone isn’t happy then some people become diplomatic about changing things through negotiation in order for people to be happy, and others just kills off anyone who doesn’t agree with them. Their way or the grave way I suppose.

His way or the grave way.
NPR reports that Georgia just passed a law saying that it’s cool to bring concealed guns to church, bars, and schools, AND the police kind of can’t ask a gunman for their gun license. Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of having a gun license, and potentially puts the public in danger?

I wasn’t raised in a gun friendly household partially because my mother was scared of the damage they could do to our family when my dad threw hissy fits. She was also scared at the possibility of my brother and I’s curiosity with a gun. But I’ve had friends who have lived in the opposite environment and I've listened to what they have to say...I just get confused as to how I feel about gun rights. Hopefully someone can get a less frazzled opinion from this article.

What's the Brady Campaign..?

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